Awards, nominations
1993: Children Music Festival of Eger: Special Award for best arrangement
2002: LGT Festival: Best pop group
2006: MAOE Children Music Festival: Best songwriter
2007: Song Contest of Zalaegerszeg: Best song and Best performance
2012: A DAL - EUROVISION song contest TOP 30 - Rami: Puzzle
2014: A DAL - EUROVISION song contest TOP 8 - Pankastic: Kicsi a világ
2017: Fonogram Award: Children's Album of the year
2018: Fonogram Award: Children's Album of the year
2018: Jazzy Radio Song Contest: Nomination for best song (TOP 10)
2021: Janus Pannonius Award Foundation: Literature Grand Prix: 1st place
I have been playing instruments, writing songs and sing since i was 6 years old. My whole career as a musician is based on my classical education for i was learning to play the chello and have been singing in choirs since then. I play the chill and write classical choir music since then.
One of my first songs is called „Mesevilág” (World of tails) was nominated and awarded at Childrens Music Festival of Eger in 1998. (best performance and best arrangement)
Kánaán, my firs band was founded also in 1998 playing my songs and lyrics and though was broke up several years ago, is well remembered by fellow musicians and fans till today.
Kánaán won the first prize in 2002 at LGT Festival for best band. One of our songs, Randevú was recorded and played by a rather famous Hungarian couple: Varga Feri and Balássy Betty, and their cover of this song was a top hit in 2008 in Hungary.
Kánaán released only one LP: “Találj rám” in 2002.
In those years i also had the privilege to work with rather famous and talented Hungarian artists (of various musical styles) and wrote songs for different bands and singers, such as: Révész Sándor, Török Ádám, Fiesta Band as a singer, song writer, lyricist, or vocalist, guitarist.
I released my firs and only Children’s music album in 2006, called Hógolyóbolygó (snowball-planet) winning first prize on a national Children Music Festival at Gödöllő, hosted by the famous Hungarian composer and lyricist: János Bródy.
Since 2009, i mainly work as a songwriter/composer and lyricist, producing and arranging my own songs performed by various Hungarian artists: Gringo Sztár, Farkasházi Réka, Rami, Balássy Betty, Varga Feri, Pankastic!, eXtensive, Radics gigi, Takács Nikolas, Gereben Zita, etc…
in 2012 i joined Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl (children’s music group) not only as a singer and guitarist but asa composer and lyricist.
in 2012 my song Puzzle – performed by Rami – was selected among the 30 songs competiting for attending the Eurovision song contest. I wrote the song in hungarian and in english as well.
in 2014 i won an NKA (National Cultural Foundation) competition to write 12 choir pieces of mine.
I started as a producer of Pankastic! (also in 2014) playing django-pop music and soon making a rather spectacular career in Hungary and abroad as well.
At the end of 2014 Pankastic! managed to not also get in “A DAL” the Eurovision song contest of Hungary but to get among the best 8 songs with Kicsi a világ
In 2015 a got the oportunity from NKA (National Cultural Foundation) to write my first a-capella mass with kyrie, Glória, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus dei parts
In 2016 Péter Geszti’s Létvágy LP was published with 4 songs that i wrote: “Ma ne, ma ne“, “Nyugi van” and the following 2 songs as a co-writer with Erdélyi Péter “Így is jó vagy” és “Angyalszárny“)
In 2016 we published Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl’s Bumm, bumm, bumm LP winning Fonogram Prize for the first time
In 2017 we published Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl’s Igazi Karácsony LP winning Fonogram Prize for the second time
2017: Fonogram-díj: Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl: Bumm Bumm Bumm – Best hungarian chidren’s music LP of the year
2018: Fonogram-díj: Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl: Igazi Karácsny – Best hungarian chidren’s music LP of the year
Instruments and skills
Instruments and skills:
- guitar
- mandolin
- ukulele
- bass guitar
- chello
- singing,
- vocals, vocal-coaching
- lyrics, (english and hungarian)
- song writing
Albums and singles
2002: Kánaán: Találj rám (songs, lyrics, lead vocal, and vocals, guitars)
2003: Révész Sándor: Változtam (acoustic guitars, vocals)
2005: Török Ádám és a Mini: Utcai Harcos (song writing)
2006: Cartoon superstars (Rajzfilm szupersztárok) (vocals)
2006: Hógolyóbolygó (songs, lyrics, guitars, bass, lead vocal, vocals)
2007: Ars Nova: Ars Nova Sings Orban (singing tenor)
2007: Octovoice: Jazz a-capella (singing tenor) 2007: Futureplant (vocals, guitars)
2008: Varga Feri és Balássy Betty: Ébredni valakiért (songwriter – “Randevú”)
2009: Varga Feri és Balássy Betty: Jazz kettesben (songwriter) 2010: Varga Feri és Balássy Betty: Ajándék (songwriter, lyricist)
2010: Farkasházi Réka: Hajnali csillag peremén (songs)
2011: Gergely Éva: Innen, Fentről (songs, lyrics, musical director)
2011: Gringo Sztár: Pálinka Sunrise (vocals, guitars, vocal coatching)
2014: Farkasházi Réka: Tündérvándor (arrenger, songwriter, lyricist)
2014: Pankastic!: Tavasz, nyár, ősz, tél (arranger, producer, songwriter, lyricist)
2016: Geszti: Létvágy (songwriter, guitarist)
2016: Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl: Bumm-bumm-bumm (arranger, songwriter, lyricist)
2017: Farkasházi Réka és a Tintanyúl: Igazi Karácsony (arranger, songwriter, lyricist)
2018: Geszti Péter: Miamiba mentem (song writer) (hungarian radio editor’s choice top 40 – for several weeks)
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Daylight (Acoustic)
In the evening (Live – Acoustic)
Believe (Acoustic)
Upcoming concerts
- 21st September 2024
Event: Tintanyúl koncert
Start: 10:00 am
Location: Miskolc
- 22nd September 2024
Event: Tintanyúl Veszprém
Start: 10:00 am
Location: Őriszentpéter Körmendi járás, Magyarország -
Event: Geszti koncert
Start: 5:30 pm
Location: Miskolc, Magyarország
- 28th September 2024
Event: Tintanyúl koncert
Start: 11:00 am
Location: Erzsébet tér 1051 Budapest, V. kerület, Erzsébet tér 13., Magyarország -
Event: Tintanyúl koncert
Start: 3:00 pm
Location: Halásztelek
- 29th September 2024
Event: Vabadaba
Start: 6:00 pm
Location: RaM-Art Színház 1133 Budapest, XIII. kerület, Kárpát utca 23., Magyarország
- 5th October 2024
Event: Vabadaba
Start: 7:00 pm
Location: Vác
- 12th October 2024
Event: Vabadaba
Start: 6:00 pm
Location: RaM-Art Színház 1133 Budapest, XIII. kerület, Kárpát utca 23., Magyarország
- 4th November 2024
Event: Vabadaba
Start: 7:00 pm
Location: RaM-Art Színház 1133 Budapest, XIII. kerület, Kárpát utca 23., Magyarország
- 29th November 2024
Event: Vabadaba
Start: 7:00 pm
Location: Pécs i járás, Magyarország
- 13th December 2024
Event: Vabadaba (Zártkörű)
Start: 2:00 pm